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The purpose of this post/thread is to show you the extra features of our forum that may (or may not) be different from other forums.


Basically in the top left of the post editor there's a button labeled "Special BBcode". Clicking this will bring up a list of all special BBcode you can use on this site. After selecting a BBcode, you should get a description on how to use it (for most of them).


The site will also automatically parse certain links and embed the media in the website. Sites like YouTube (videos and playlists), Flickr image sets, Vimeo, Google Video, Justin.tv, Twitch.tv, GameTrailers, flash, and a few others are all supported. So to embed a YouTube video all you have to do is paste the URL by itself (without and bbcode) and it will be embedded.


There's a chat room at the top right corner in the navigation bar - you'll see a red icon on it with a number if there are any members in it. As of right now it only allows 5 people in it (it's the free version) but I may upgrade it if it's popular or maybe just setup an IRC channel somewhere.



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