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  1. Stylez

    Windows 10

    I figured I'd make a little post with my experience with Windows 10 so far and what does and does not work with it. Programs that work: Premiere Pro CS6 After Effects CS6 Photoshop CS6 Audition CS6 Adobe Media Encoder Dxtory 2.0.131 (seems to hang for ~30 seconds when you stop recording - counter is orange and says "FIN" underneath but goes away eventually) Steam Google Chrome Dropbox Windows Media Player Games that work that I've randomly spot tested (I'd assume most games should work fine, I mostly just briefly launched the following games so there may be other bugs within): Minecra
  2. While I'm configuring my private server I figure it's time to formally request help from you guys for creating the common areas of the server. First and foremost we need a spawn city! That's probably the most important thing we need at the moment. Other things we will need are public places like parks, arenas, etc. I'd also like to make some sort of mass transit system so anyone with experience in that area should definitely apply. Anyone interested in these positions should reply to this thread briefly describing their building skills with descriptions of some things they've built (or
  3. The purpose of this post/thread is to show you the extra features of our forum that may (or may not) be different from other forums. Basically in the top left of the post editor there's a button labeled "Special BBcode". Clicking this will bring up a list of all special BBcode you can use on this site. After selecting a BBcode, you should get a description on how to use it (for most of them). The site will also automatically parse certain links and embed the media in the website. Sites like YouTube (videos and playlists), Flickr image sets, Vimeo, Google Video, Justin.tv, Twitch.tv, Ga
  4. If you want to talk about any game in general that doesn't have its own forum you can start your topics in this forum. As games get more and more popular in this forum we will create dedicated forums for those games as required. To help keep things relevant, try to tag your posts with the name of the game you're talking about. You can tag at the top of the page where you write the thread where it says "Topic Tags". Simply type in your tag and hit enter - it should show up as a tag icon and then you can add another tag if you want. Tagging your topics should help us move threads if we creat
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